Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day Fourteen: rest day

I slept late and, not too long after waking up, took a nap. The rain fell in buckets outside while I napped - we picked a good day for a rest day.

That afternoon after the sky cleared a bit we went to the bike shop where I bought another jersey and some shoe covers for the rain and cold. They're actually called "booties" but that doesn't sound manly enough so I'm sticking with ''shoe covers.” Unless, of course, I can call the covering for my arms “armies.”

From mark on a bike 08

In keeping with Klaus' culinary education we ate at LotaBurger.

From mark on a bike 08

The bike shop owner told us about an internet café, Javalina, so I spent three long hours uploading pictures. Klaus went back to the hotel and replaced his smallest chainring (the front cog that the chain wraps around) then met me at Javalina.

From mark on a bike 08

We did some laundry, ate some pasta at Isaac's, then headed back to the hotel.

Lights off at 11:22.

4.79 miles
8.9 average
27.9 max
00:32:07 time
660.9 total